Balkan N` Adventure
Balkan Natural Adventure is a Swiss-Kosovar tour operator

Recently featured in Financial Times, The Guardian, Singapore’s The Strait Times, and Italy’s Il Sole 24 Ore, Balkan Natural Adventure has earned five-star ratings from TripAdvisor with more than 120 reviews in 10 different languages.

Holding B2B agreements with tour and travel companies based in the United Kingdom, Belgium, Poland, Czech Republic, and Serbia, Balkan Natural Adventure offers a variety of outdoor adventure and cultural experiences for discerning travelers from around the globe.

Established in 2015 by local Kosovo adventure guide Nol Krasniqi and Swiss-Kosovar international marketing executive Virtyt Gacaferri, BN Adventure offers an in-depth experience of the Peaks of the Balkans trail and otrher destinations in the region, with the aid of highly trained local guides.
  (from 2 reviews)
Reviews from operator products
  • Aventure e jashtezakonshme, emocion, adrenaline dhe kujtime te paharrueshme ne Gryke te Rugoves! Guide dhe sherbim profesional nga ekipi BNA
  • 01/12/2020, Ardall Celina   (Via Ferrata Ari)
  • Si pervoje e imja e pare do te mbetet e pa harruar. Nje aventure e percjellur me shume informata rreth asaj cka na rrethonte sa ishim ne bjeshket e Rugoves.
  • 01/12/2020, gonxhe konjufca   (Via Ferrata Ari)
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    Tour operator products
    Via Ferrata Mat
    Via Ferrata Mat is 500 meters long and it takes around 1 and a half hour to complete. It is considered ``easy`` and it does not require a previous experience in such activities. The price: Euro 30 for 1 person; Euro 20 per person for groups of 2; Euro 15 per person for groups of 3 or larger.
    from: 30.00 €
    No reviews yet
    Via Ferrata Ari
    Via Ferrata Ari is 450 meters long and it goes vertically. It takes 2 and a half hours to 3 hours to complete. It is considered as ``easy`` and it doesn`t require a previous experience in such activities.
    from: 40.00 €
    5.00   (2 reviews)
    Via Ferrata Marimangat
    Via Ferrata Marimangat is 1 km long and takes around 3 to 4 hours to complete. It goes through the Tibetian Bridge which is 40 meters long and 60 meters high. It is considered as ``difficult`` and it is suggested a previous experience in such activities. The price: Euro 60 for 1 person; Euro 30 per person for groups of two; Euro 20 per person for groups of three or larger.
    from: 60.00 €
    No reviews yet
    Zip Line
    Located in the Rugova Canyon, Zip line is 4 km far from the city center of Pejë. It is 650m long and lasts around 1 minute.
    from: 10.00 €
    No reviews yet
    Via Ferrata Caves
    VIa Ferrata Caves is 500 meters long and takes 2 and a half to 3 hours to complete. Its trail goes through 8 caves which is the main reason why it is named like this. It is considered as ``difficult``.
    from: 40.00 €
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