Great Adventures
I do not need therapy, camping is what I need
There are many reasons to enjoy camping when you travel because life is good when you are camping.
from: 25 €
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Jazinca Lake / Sharr
Përjetoni bukuritë e liqenit të jashtëzakonshëm të Jazhinces në Bjeshkët e Sharrit.
from: 20.00 €
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Via Ferrata Mat
Via Ferrata Mat is 500 meters long and it takes around 1 and a half hour to complete. It is considered ``easy`` and it does not require a previous experience in such activities. The price: Euro 30 for 1 person; Euro 20 per person for groups of 2; Euro 15 per person for groups of 3 or larger.
from: 20 €
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Zip Line
Located in the Rugova Canyon, Zip line is 4 km far from the city center of Pejë. It is 650m long and lasts around 1 minute.
from: 8 €
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Via Ferrata Ari
Via Ferrata Ari is 450 meters long and it goes vertically. It takes 2 and a half hours to 3 hours to complete. It is considered as ``easy`` and it doesn`t require a previous experience in such activities.
from: 19 €
5.00   (2 reviews)
Via Ferrata Marimangat
Via Ferrata Marimangat is 1 km long and takes around 3 to 4 hours to complete. It goes through the Tibetian Bridge which is 40 meters long and 60 meters high. It is considered as ``difficult`` and it is suggested a previous experience in such activities. The price: Euro 60 for 1 person; Euro 30 per person for groups of two; Euro 20 per person for groups of three or larger.
from: 20 €
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Life is better on a mountain bike
You can experience all the activities and adventures with mountain bikes within 3 days in the enchanting mountains Mokna `` Beauty of the Balkans`` - Istog. The best way to experience the grandeur of mountain trails!
from: 25 €
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Via Ferrata Panorama
Via Ferrata ``Panorama`` Prizren, is located in the great gorge of Lumbardh river in Prizren
from: 20.00 €
4.25   (2 reviews)
Via Ferrata Caves
VIa Ferrata Caves is 500 meters long and takes 2 and a half to 3 hours to complete. Its trail goes through 8 caves which is the main reason why it is named like this. It is considered as ``difficult``.
from: 19 €
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Via Ferrata - Twin Caves
The most attractive cave Via Ferrata, the most famous Twin Cave in the Balkans, with two corridors with an entrance-exit length of 70m is located in the mountains of Istog - Bajshe, 14km from the city of Istog. It takes 30 minutes to 1 hour to visit inside.
from: 20 €
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Oshlak Peak / Sharr
Walking the ridge of Oshlak is one of the most panoramic walks in the Sharr mountains
from: 15 €
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Paragliding Prizren
Tandem flight obove the city of Prizren
from: 80.00 €
5.00   (12 reviews)
Paragliding Peja
Fluturime dyshe me Paragllajd në Pejë
from: 72 €
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Hiking in Mokna Mountains - The Beauty of the Balkans
Beautiful things arise when people and mountains meet in all things of nature there is something wonderful. Because after all, you will not remember the time you spent working in an office, but you will remember the time you spent enjoying climbing mountains.
from: 15 €
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